Access to Learning Support is achieved by the referral of individual students to the Learning Support Unit for assessment. Referral requires parent permission and support, and assessment is comprehensive, sometimes requiring the services of a Guidance Counsellor, Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist and/or Speech Language Pathologist. After the assessment takes place, consultations between Learning Support teacher, classroom teacher, teaching assistant and parents decide the appropriate level of support to be provided. The levels of support available to students are:
Classroom - where the Learning Support teacher liaises with the classroom teacher on modifications to the normal classroom programme, which would meet the needs of specific students.
Classroom group - where the Learning Support teacher or teaching assistant works with a group of students in the classroom.
Classroom one-on-one - where the Learning Support teacher or teaching assistant works with an individual student in the classroom.
Withdrawal group - where a group of students is withdrawn to the Learning Support Unit for intensive work with the Learning Support Teacher or assistant.
Withdrawal one-on-one - where a student would work individually in the Learning Support Unit with either Learning Support Teacher or assistant.
Support is provided to students to support their Academic and Social Emotional needs.